Andara Crystals – Truths vs tales

Andara Crystal Myths, Legends and Truths. I have been interested in rocks, stones, crystals, etc since I was young. That could be explained away as what my Capricorn earth sign would imply, but that interest over time became a passion and now I know why. As everything is energy, crystals in particular hold higher frequency […]
Mount Shasta and the Skull Squad

Starbuck’s Sedona – Mount Shasta activations & the Skull Squad These were notes from my June 2020 Past Life Regression session: “I have incarnated in this life (yes, I’ve had others and so have you) from a future version of myself from the Pleiades, humanoids with advanced capabilities and 5th Dimension awareness. My soul agreement with […]
Lightworkers and Anchoring to Gaia

Lightworkers I’ve been at Mount Shasta for the past two weeks soaking up high vibration energies. When a thought came to mind dear Lightworkers. Do you visit these places hoping to find a connection to those energies? Forgive the 3rd Dimensional thought form in my response … you’re doing it wrong. 🫨 A true Lightworker […]

What is Sovereignty? The word “Sovereign” refers to the power or right that a nation/state or individual has to determine its own destiny — to not be controlled by others. The ability to determine one’s own destiny has been termed SELF-DETERMINATION and it is one aspect of the timeless ideal called FREEDOM. Self-determination and freedom […]