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Galactic & Spiritual Informers Conference

- Post-con After party with some of the Light delegations

By now if you hadn’t heard before, the Galactic & Spiritual Informers Conference took place in Orlando the weekend of October 20-23 and DID in fact, make history. Call it 1000 sentient beings participated in the first Live event in recent memory and really none other like this one before. This conference was unique in that – the presenters brought ammunition in the way of solid, impossible to ignore evidence – not just their stories. I know, I was one of them. I’ll be sharing more about that experience for me in the near future but there is plenty of social media coverage of the successes realized by many people who were touched in many ways – some more profoundly than others.

No, I’m taking this opportunity to share some of the after parties.👀  Those higher dimensional Tribe members sure know how to stay up late. Whew … I’m still in carbon form and my biosuit goes full-out to keep up with my Light companions.

Oh yeah, with delegations from so many realms represented it was great to get them all together for some downtime post-conference and the usual photo ops. Here’s your peek inside to see the representatives of Higher multidimensional Light realms.

Namaste 🤟 Starbuck

Starbuck Lightworker


Akashic Contributor

and observer

Join us on our journeys finding miraculous experiences in epic places. 

David Wallace

Data Dump Dave

Maths theoretician


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Affirmation card sets
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Looking to book some time one on one? Use the link below to book an appointment for an ascension consult, advice on advanced physics an energetic vortex tour, upcoming retreats or seminars, a hike to sacred spots or a meditative multidimensional visit to Telos. Small groups (4) are welcome. Time and day based on availability. 

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