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News & Information 2024

2023 Archive

Lily Nova Starseed
Lily Nova Starseed

New Solar Activations, Inner Earth Lemurians & Atlanteans 

June 5, 2024

2024 Lemurian Awakening Retreat - Mount Shasta
Lemurian Awakening Retreat 2024 - New Earth One Network

Panel Discussion with Lauren Galey, Laurie Reyon Anderson and Viviane Chauvet, presenters at this summer’s
Lemurian Awakening Retreat
Mount Shasta, CA
July 11, 12, 13

May 31, 2024

First Contact - Eesha Patel
Eesha Patel - First Contact

Eesha came across me while she had been traveling around the country satsiafying spiritual curiosities. We sat down and described for her viewers more about the reality of Inner Earth.

May 26, 2024

Truthstream with Joe and Scott
Truthstream with Joe and Scott

I got to know Joe and Scott after meeting at a conference in Mount Shasta in 2021. Things finally came together so that we could conduct this exchange. There is a new wave of people with connections to Telos, Lemurians, Inner Earth and Mt Shasta who are just hearing my experience for the first time – so recounting what occurred that day was a large part of this podcast. It was so much fun looking back at everything that has metaphysically opened up since. Thanks Joe and Scott and as promised, next time we’ll share encounters with Light beings – and I’ll share pictures.

April 12, 2024

Michaela Dauriel
Rise Vo Vnutri Zeme

Narrated in her home language, here is the next is Michaela’s series of Inner Earth inspired productions. 

April 7, 2024

Rebels of Disclosure Roundtable
Rebels of Disclosure Roundtable

This Roundtable is a great teaser of what to expect at this year’s conference and I’m delighted to have been asked to participate. 

March 21, 2024

Eltrayan Pranic Festival Online
Eltrayan - Pranic Festival Online

Eltrayan clearly was supposed to cross paths with me at this juncture and seems to be opening the door to travel to Romania in mid-August. Stay tuned.

March 11, 2024

Jody Deane - Flow Ninja
Jody Deane - Flow Ninja

Journey to Telos, Inner Earth Lemurians and Planetary Ascension

After seeing my interview with Reuben Langdon on Gaia, Jody reached out to me and here is the second time we sat and recorded our conversation. 

March 4, 2024

Higher Dimensional perspectives

Are You Paying Attention?

Lois Eckley interviews Judith Kusel
Lois Eckley interviews Judith Kusel

Best explanation of how we arrived at this moment through Elysium, Avalon, Lemuria, Atlantis and more from a real Akashic Librarian.  

Dolores Cannon on aliens
Dolores Cannon on aliens

Dolores Cannon and Steven Greer on E.T. influences on humanity.

Legends of the 21st Century Humans

So far … the reigning champ in what to expect.  Enjoy 😉 … Courtesy of EverydayMasters.

Starbuck Lightworker


Akashic Contributor

and observer

Join us on our journeys finding miraculous experiences in epic places. 

David Wallace

Data Dump Dave

Maths theoretician


Mystery School Podcasts
Affirmation card sets
Where can I get your artwork?

Book an appointment to connect with Lowell

Looking to book some time one on one? Use the link below to book an appointment for an ascension consult, advice on advanced physics an energetic vortex tour, upcoming retreats or seminars, a hike to sacred spots or a meditative multidimensional visit to Telos. Small groups (4) are welcome. Time and day based on availability. 

Book an appointment with Personnel Calendar using SetMore