Ready to see things from a higher perspective?

“I never believed in things that I couldn’t see, I said if I can’t feel it, then how would it be, no no magic could happen to me? … you can do magic, you can have anything that you desire.”  You Can Do Magic, America

Ascension Handbook:

I recommend starting your learning process at the beginning. The information is organized in a way that maximizes your comprehension levels for the ascension phenomenon. Having said that, I wanted to make it easy for those that want to jump around the content to do exactly that.

The Earth is ascending with or without us. Learn what that means.

The Ascension Handbook

Starbuck Lightworker


Akashic Contributor

and observer

Join us on our journeys finding miraculous experiences in epic places. 

David Wallace

Data Dump Dave

Maths theoretician


Mystery School Podcasts
Affirmation card sets
Where can I get your artwork?

Book an appointment to connect with Lowell

Looking to book some time one on one? Use the link below to book an appointment for an ascension consult, advice on advanced physics an energetic vortex tour, upcoming retreats or seminars, a hike to sacred spots or a meditative multidimensional visit to Telos. Small groups (4) are welcome. Time and day based on availability. 

Book an appointment with Personnel Calendar using SetMore

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