Ready to see things from a higher perspective?

The Protector of Gaia has Awakened


“How can you be so sure, how do you know what the earth will endure? How can you be so sure … that the wonders you’ve made in your life will be seen by the millions who follow to visit the site of your dream?”

What Goes Up … Alan Parsons Project.


The Protector of Gaia has Awakened – June 2021

Mount Shasta feels “home” and has an energy you knowingly connect with. If you leave yourself open to magical experiences – you will have them. This why I looked forward to the right opportunity to return to spend some quality time with the mountain and for me – the most special, perhaps sacred place I’ve experienced was at the Telos portal on the side of Shastina.

It has been my intention to retrace my steps at the earliest possible moment and return to the spot where my paths crossed with the Lemurian community in Telos. If for no other reason but to pay tribute and exchange some energy I had been carrying from Sedona and the Enchanted Forest in the Santa Cruz mountains.

Let me share the energetic firepower I had returned with so you can fully appreciate what kind of energy is about to be exchanged:

Seafoam Elder Andara that went to Peru and came back wrapped with a drop of hardened Ayahuasca. This piece is earmarked for a member of the Skull Squad.

Lemurian Amber Andara that went to Peru and came back wrapped in Violet cord for another member of the Skull Squad.

Starbuck’s Wedge – the Root Beer Shaman Andara that’s been on the ground on every adventure once she and I caught up last July in Mt Shasta.  She fully reintegrated with the grid overnight on the Andara Spiral at Mickey’s compound where her eye changed color. She now anchors the Akashic energy of the entire grid and is meant to charge other portals.





Angelica – a Cosmic Ice Elder Andara from Mickey Magic’s altar.  Her size makes her easy to transport and hold but her energy is profound: Cosmic – Infinitely or inconceivably extended in space or time, vast and harmonious. White / clear is the color of Light, which permeates all reality, transcending time and space, revealing our true nature. This crystal holds the energy of clarity and brilliance. It restores focus, wisdom and truth. It opens the doorway to the future and is the director of energy. It holds the wisdom of the Grandfather.




Epiphany – is in my hands, she was placed there by an Oracle. I didn’t know what form she would show up in (in this case a healing wand), I just knew that it would be a crystal and have powers of transmutation. She came from a larger piece of Seafoam Elder Andara.

Seafoam; representing the primal waters of our conception, these Andara crystals resonate the original blueprints of creation as probabilities. Within its effervescent depths one is transported to the timelessness of ones being, with infinite potential and promise. These Andaras carry some or all the properties of the crystals, but in a more primal context, they are very beautiful and mysterious. Seafoam works mainly on generational heritage-DNA clearing past life related issues. Renews cellular memory cleansing body, mind and spirit. Its like immersing yourself in an ocean of Mother Earth Elements of Water and Salt honoring the Divine Feminine. The salt element rebuilds your cellular memory and manifest emotional calm and stability to walk through the world in a powerful way. Automatically expand your state of awareness. Increased access to universal knowledge. Activates the ability to channel. Accelerates the spiritual development process.

Time to let these energies integrate, after all Lightworker, seeker, etc you came to help anchor Light to Gaia through you. I have some “energy” to exchange to say the least – especially from this elevated perspective.

It is really something to see multidimensionally.

In preparation for this hike, I had to factor in things I knew and variables I did not – I knew that the road was going to be closed, meaning if that’s the route I choose, its a 3.3(+) mile walk with a change in altitude from 6919’ to 8120’. I was convinced that a route more “as the crow flies” would be shorter and much more pleasant through the forest than just following the road. I had the Lat:Long coordinates from someone who read my accounts, figured out where the portal was and then found it by making that hike from Bunny Flat back in May from where he took pictures and screen capped the compass coordinates. I’ve kept a lid on that information since and shared it with only a few before I had a chance to return.

Using the Lat:Long on Google Maps / Google Earth was helpful – if I was driving. In spite of changing the mode of travel to hiking it just kept wanting to reroute me to the road (aarrgghhhh), so I just bagged the whole Google Map option. I remembered using a Cal Topo map online last year the very first day of my hiking and to say it was helpful is an understatement considering I was wandering in places I’d never been “off-trail”. For some incomprehensible reason the mobile signal in a lot of (not every) places around Mt. Shasta is decent. Between downloading this tool and my phone’s compass, I could see where I was and what direction I should head.

Drawing a visual line between where I stood at Bunny Flat and Mt Shasta in the distance was my line. So off I headed on some paths that headed that way.  Soon to stay on-line, I ventured off-trail but came to a marked trail labeled “Snow Bunny Trail” that I decided to follow for a bit. Just north of that (see coordinates) I found the first of 5 portals I was supposed to visit / discover. Remember, I asked my guides to “show me the way” and this is the direction I took. Among those variables I didn’t take into account were the elevation changes in unknown forest. So I just kept looking up the mountain knowing I had to ascend and followed intuition.

As you can see on the Google map I plotted all of the vortexes that I had screen capped – I went WAY north and later it would result in me having to descend only to have to ascend again 👀. I showed you all the vortexes I exchanged energy at to share my experience. These places are all “off-trail” with the exception of the first one just past Snow Bunny Trail and that one is relatively easy to find and well worth the hike. (The Telos portal is the right-most dropped pin)

So I continued to hike as the crow flies to Shastina from Bunny Flats to find the energetic portal to Telos I had experienced that Sunday last July.

Left Bunny Flats @ 9ish

Reached the perch @ 1ish

First: I returned to the scene a different being than I was last year. I have some new “upgrades” since the last visit and it’s clear as anything to me now as to why. My ability to sense and “see” energies has been greatly enhanced / elevated. Those energy vortexes radiate and in my case its as though I can “see” the etheric aura around the object.

I’ll pause here for a moment to give you some clarity on the title of this piece (I imagine it triggered your imagination) and try to explain the “upgrades”. Along my journey, tools / people / resources have been placed in my path for my use. The next to the last weekend in February, 2018, I participated in an Ayahuasca journey where Mother Ayahuasca said I was the Protector of Gaia. She showed me visions of new Earth where I had my 5th dimensional abilities restored to me. I was a Master Alchemist and Sorcerer / Wizard with a crystal that had the power to heal heart space immediately and transmute negative energy into Light. The crystal manifested as an Andara Crystal (Epiphany) and if you know me, you know what I’ve learned about Andaras and Etherium. Some of the difficult to decipher information in Thoth’s Emerald Tablets that he left behind are coming onto focus for those that are ready.  But enough about that for now. On to the Telos portal.

When I finally reached the normally highly active area, one thing was “smack you in the face” different this time – there was no one else here. My frame of reference for this three-level parking area attached to several popular trailheads was active every time I had been here no matter what day or time.  Right now – I had the entire place to myself. I didn’t see another soul until the descent on the road near the Panther Meadows campsite.

This visit – the energy signature at the portal site was noticeably much higher frequency and this time I could see the energetic outline of where the last opening took place.  I was about to sit on the ground in this space and exchange energy I brought along – I had looked forward to that the entire hike. Then that breeze … it must be an energetic release … and the portal was again open. I got to see She-Ah-Ma today at the portal. She came as far as the opening but not out.

So I sat with my legs spread saddle-like on the square bolder directly in front of the opening and had an extraordinary opportunity to chat with her. I was buzzing from the inter dimensional energy around us all and there were a number of influences inside me as well causing what I was feeling in that moment.

When I first heard her voice I recognized it right away, it is melodious. “So they call you Starbuck”, she said in the most endearing way possible. I just wanted to keep listening to her voice. She makes a striking vision. She’s wearing this blingy green ensemble that reflected the light like a hologram – so cool.  Never mind she is 8+ ft tall so I look up at her a lot 😎.

She started by asking what I thought now that the Prima Matra has found it’s way back into the hands of a Master Alchemist. What we discussed will stay secret for now.

But I wanted to know why we were meeting here with her feet almost back on Terra Firma.  She can’t pass into this realm without dropping her vibration to match this environment and why would anyone want to do that?  She reminded me – I did.

I wanted more insight on specifically my time in Telos and she said it is already beginning to come back to you. I asked if I have a name I go by in Telos and she said that would also come to me, but in the meantime she’s fond of Starbuck.

We spent a significant amount of time then it seemed just looking at the mountain saying nothing but knowing this is Endgame for 3D and with the time remaining we are going to enjoy it as is while we can.

Said our farewells knowing I had to walk over 3 miles (following the road this time). I began climbing back down and as I dropped down a level, the portal is still open. I reached for my phone to capture a pic and it was off again! But this time I could fire it up right away.  Wouldn’t you know it, as soon as my phone was powered back up – yeah no more portal.

Left the perch just after 2P

1 1/2 hours to walk 3+ miles to Bunny Flats

My dogs are barking (feet)

Time for a salad, rest and assimilation

I’m going to be in the area for awhile, there is magic unfolding and I’m here for that.

I will post the pictures I took along this hike in the Gallery: Mt Shasta and the return to the Telos portal – June 2021

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