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Life in Telos – The Agartha Network

Life in Telos - The Agartha Network

Life in Telos – the Agarthan Network as told by Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess I’ve been asked a few times recently to describe certain conditions in Telos so I’ve snipped a bit of Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess explaining it for us. Good questions … thanks for asking. 😎 From Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess on Atlantis, […]

Life in Telos – About the City

Life in Telos - About the City

Life in Telos – About the City as told by Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess I’ve been asked a few times recently to describe certain conditions in Telos so I’ve snipped a bit of Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess explaining it for us. Good questions … thanks for asking. 😎 From Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess on Atlantis, […]

Life in Telos – Telos physical description by level

Life in Telos - Telos physical description by level

Life in Telos – Telos physical description by level as told by Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess I’ve been asked a few times recently to describe certain conditions in Telos so I’ve snipped a bit of Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess explaining it for us. Good questions … thanks for asking. 😎 From Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess […]

Life in Telos – Lemurian child rearing starting with conception

Life in Telos - Lemurian child rearing from conception

Life in Telos – Lemurian child rearing starting with conception as told by Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess I’ve been asked a few times recently to describe certain conditions in Telos so I’ve snipped a bit of Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess explaining it for us. Good questions … thanks for asking. 😎 From Sharula Dux, Lemurian […]

Life in Telos – Transportation

Life in Telos - Transportation

I’ve been asked a few times recently to describe certain conditions in Telos so I’ve snipped a bit of Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess explaining it for us. This one has to do with Transportation  Good questions … thanks for asking. 😎 From Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess on Atlantis, Lemuria, Inner Earth and Telos. Life in […]

Life in Telos – Communication and Computers

Life in Telos - Communications and Computers

I’ve been asked a few times recently to describe certain conditions in Telos so I’ve snipped a bit of Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess explaining it for us. This one has to do with Communications and Computers Good questions … thanks for asking. 😎 From Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess on Atlantis, Lemuria, Inner Earth and Telos. […]

Dimensional Contact protocols

City of Light mothership

V.240107 I’m here for the planet and the cosmic clock is ticking. This incarnation placed me on the surface – and I’m a part of those bridging Inner Earth with Ultra- and Extraterrestrial dimensions. Ultraterrestrial beings are those souls we are aware of who starseeded from elsewhere and participate in the Earth experiment.  (Pleaidians, Arcturians, […]

The Craft of the Brazen Serpent – Class in Session 231221

Craft of the Brazen Serpent

Last October, I committed to the private Answers from Thoth’s Wisdom FB group to: activating the school once again and under my direction here – Apprentices of the Craft of the Brazen Serpent – expect to hone your abilities to command the elements, elevate your knowledge of alchemy and remember your magick. [ Maia: Was […]