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Light Beings and their purpose

If you have been paying attention to Solar wind streams and CME’s (coronal mass ejections) coming from our sun and directed toward earth, you already know that this week 40 SpaceX satellites (out of 49) were taken out by this activity. It’s been suggested by science that this kind of electromagnetic energy has the potential to disrupt radio & satellite transmission, but with this event, we now have proof that it was just a matter of time before satellites were taken out by the phenomenon.

We are all electromagnetic beings, constantly being exposed to enhanced cosmic Photon Light energy meant to upgrade our human form. Whether or not you are even aware it is taking place, it most certainly is.

Last summer, when I was activated by higher dimensional Light beings – I didn’t have complete comprehension of what was taking place and hadn’t connected all the dots. Assimilating new conditions and wisdom always takes me awhile. It’s the delay in manifesting in this particular dimension that takes time.

For whatever reason, my guides recently reminded me of an audio file that Kumu had sent me two days after my first two interactions with her and the Light beings accompanying her the first weekend in August. Although I transcribed the audio file then, I hadn’t paid any attention to what it was telling me (and humanity), but with the energy pointed in our direction from the sun, it was validation of enhanced Photon Light energy meant to assist in the ascension of the planet and all sentient life upon her.

If you have been feeling unsettled there is good reason for it depending on your susceptibility to higher vibrations and higher frequencies … some people will feel these sensations more than others, as it directly correlates to your current empathic state.

I’ve transcribed the file for those who wish to read it … and I have also set the audio file in my YouTube account where you can hear the explanation for yourself.

The time to bring these things forward is accelerating … its clear from Divine timing that now is when I was supposed to help bring more clarity to the ascension process by sharing what I’ve been given at the proper time.

So here is the connection between the Light beings I now know and what this Light represents.

Transcription follows:

[ A new source of Light is now reaching our solar system, interpretating Earth’s magnetic field, altering the biological rhythms – this is forcing the specie to leave behind its old time cell of perception on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. This must take place before the specie can go inside a new time cell of consciousness with a unified perception.

As the arcs of Light begin to change as different light forces beginning to work with the electromagnetic forces, this is causing the magnetic fields of the brain cavity to be sufficiently raised to a higher mental frequency, allowing us to receive the whole Light beings who will give instruction as to the program of the next level of creation.

It has previously been thought that the Light forces of the earth’s magnetic field control the rhythms of life of all biological species and living cells need only the Light of our own portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to survive.

However, without new magnetic paradigms working with multiple arcs of color, the color of radiations of the Sun’s light will not be sufficient for survival of the species.

We will therefore, begin to work with more of the complete spectrum major color factor, however it will be the warm white coating which will enable us to integrate with our original form sent from Higher Universe to this world. ]

Thank you to Kumu for her role in bringing this information forward for others.

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