Plotting Inner Earth Cities, Golden Taya Allotments and energetic vortexes
I’ve been asked enough times about the location of Inner Earth cities, Golden Taya allotments and other energetic places – so I’m working on a project with a few other Tribe members around the globe, plotting the locations on Google Earth.
I’ve taken all the Inner Earth cities I know of so far and plotted them using white markers. If I had graphics or content for the location, it was also noted in the description.
Yellow markers indicate Golden Taya allotments – those areas of the planet already vibrating at New Earth frequencies.
Blue markers showed some of the energetic vortexes I have visited along with pictures at those locations.
And finally, Red markers indicate the location of some 3rd dimensional underground cities in existence. The project is uploaded to Google Drive so I can share it with others.
Namaste 🤟 Starbuck