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ShiftWatch 250116 current BES contact, solar wind chart, vanishing IC craft, finding Shambhalla 1920

ShiftWatch with Starbuck 250116

V.250116 – Episode 44

ShiftWatch 250116 current BES contact, solar wind chart, vanishing IC craft, finding Shambhalla 1920

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #multidimensionality #consciousness

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound

Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

250116 – Episode 44


A few days ago, I was at the hub of a series of beyond earth sentient contact that was recorded by Dave Wallace on the west coast and another colleague on the east coast. Dave goes on to remind us of the reports of sightings in multiple locations on the planet at the same time. We have a different perspective of the suggested mass landings.

Solar Weather Effects

Understanding the solar wind chart – Ben Davidson at Suspicious 0bservers provides us with a comprehensive explanation of the solar wind chart … what is represents and how we interpret the sun’s influence on earth’s geomagnetic conditions with it.

Vibration Matching

This past week our friend Scannerguy1968 captured these highly unusual  activities in the Wisconsin skies in a relatively short period of time. Imagine what is within your field of view if you only took the time to look.


Inner Earth enthusiasts – Mr Mythos reports on efforts underwritten by the US Government in the 1920-30s to find Shambhalla in Inner Earth – long before the UFO phenomenon reports began in the 40’s and 50’s …


Namaste 🤟 Starbuck 

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