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Starbuck's Contributions to the Akash

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What is Sovereignty? The word “Sovereign” refers to the power or right that a nation/state or individual has to determine its own destiny — to not be controlled by others.  The ability to determine one’s own destiny has been termed SELF-DETERMINATION and it is one aspect of the timeless ideal called FREEDOM.  Self-determination and freedom are said to be intrinsic

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The Infinity Breath

The Infinity breath starts here: 1. First, affirm that you will use this gift for the highest good of all, and that your desire is to be of service and align your will with that of the Creator. Nothing will be asked of you that you cannot accomplish, my dear brave ones, and the rewards of championing the Creator’s Cause

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Quantum Physics Demystified

Quantum Physics Demystifies The Process Of Creation and Reveals The Simplicity of Conscious, Intentional and Purposeful (as Well as Unconscious and Unintentional) Manifestation Although you may or may not yet be aware of how a 2 word phrase such as Quantum Physics can enhance EVERY aspect of your life, it CAN and in fact WILL… should you allow it to.

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Starbuck Lightworker


Akashic Contributor

and observer

Join us on our journeys finding miraculous experiences in epic places. 

David Wallace

Data Dump Dave

Maths theoretician


Mystery School Podcasts
Affirmation card sets
Where can I get your artwork?

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Looking to book some time one on one? Use the link below to book an appointment for an ascension consult, advice on advanced physics an energetic vortex tour, upcoming retreats or seminars, a hike to sacred spots or a meditative multidimensional visit to Telos. Small groups (4) are welcome. Time and day based on availability. 

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