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Mystery School in Session: Alchemy 220919


This is a Mystery School approach to – Alchemy

Chemistry or alchemy?

The master was asked what was the difference between chemistry and alchemy in couple relationships and he replied with these beautiful and wise words:

People who seek “Chemistry” are love scientists, i.e. they are used to action and reaction.

People who encounter “Alchemy” are artists of love, constantly creating new ways of loving.

AlchemyChemists love out of necessity.

  • The alchemists by choice.

Chemistry dies with time,

  • Alchemy is born through time …

Chemistry loves the packaging.

  • Alchemy enjoys the content.

Chemistry happens.

  • Alchemy builds itself.

Everyone is looking for chemistry, only a few find alchemy.

Chemistry attracts and distracts sexist and feminist.

  • Alchemy integrates the male and female principle, so it transforms into a relationship of free individuals with their own wings, rather than an attraction that is subject to the whims of the ego.

In conclusion, the master said looking at his students :

“Alchemy brings together what chemistry separates.”

Alchemy is royal marriage.

Chemistry & divorce we see everyday in most couples.

Consider building conscious relationships, because chemistry will always make your body age. 

While alchemy will always caress us from within ~

Namaste 🤟 Starbuck

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