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Forgotten Gods of Atlantis Lecture

Atlantis - Library of Alexandria

Atlantis – Let’s set a common frame of reference

The Forgotten Gods of Atlantis – Manly Hall

Who is Manly P. Hall?

Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born author, lecturer, astrologer and mystic. He is best known for his 1928 work “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”. Over his 70 year career, he gave thousands of lectures and published over 150 volumes.

I can see that these lectures and the source of them came from inspired notions long ago. When you consider Mr. Manley passed on in 1990, his body of work is astonishing. Keep that in mind as you listen to him speak and wonder when this address took place? He is noted for one in particular in 1928 so you can only imagine when he originally delivered the one you are listening to – one thing we can say with certainty is that it was at least 3 decades ago … 

Why am I imploring you to go listen? It’s for you to learn – and as quickly as possible. I am in full understanding of what I am to bring to you … and I’ve been told to do it with all haste. 

This homework assignment will establish a foundation of information about Atlantis, so I can begin to explain why it matters. These are some “cliff notes” I took while transcribing, but you’ll WANT to hear him speak – use the notes as references as you listen. 

Geography (vast)

  • Last fragment of a Great Empire
  • Disappeared under the ocean about 12,000 years before the Trojan war (which would make it about 15,000 years ago)


The Name

  • It’s root is not Egyptian and it’s not Greek
  • Atlantis and Atlas
  • Language
  • We are dealing with a term that represents a world experience that various countries were involved in it, that the circumstances were known around the entire planet


Sky (Dragon) Serpent is pouring water from its mouth

New World and restoration of the Golden Age


Pride grew – fame, wealth and power became the great objectives for life (Primitive beings existed at the same time)

Another dimension – these peoples possessed extrasensory perceptions that had not been closed by the process of embodiment, similar to those of small children

These magicians, these sorcerers, these powerful ones who possessed bryll – bryll being the one motive power that is inexhaustible – something we could use today – it’s said we’d carry anything, transport anything, activate anything that the human being could conceive

Dark entities caused the fall

Various travelers from Atlantis visited other lands, among those were Atlantean Priests – those who worshiped the Great Golden Serpent. Serpent worship was one of the oldest religions of the world. Missionaries visited those primitive outposts – to gradually evolving groups – these missionaries set up various institutions in the distant parts of the empire – the parts that were not actually destroyed by the destruction of the Atlantean center land

This explains the “legend(s)”

  • a being came out of the sea, this being whom they called Alanis had the body of a fish and the head of a human being – had scales (armor) – carried symbols with him – was a good man
  • and he came to these people and he taught them, he gave them a written language, he gave them the knowledge of agriculture, he taught them astronomy and the mystery of the stars, he helped them to build a permanent government, introduced them into the mysteries of architecture and the building of cities, and he also taught them the mysteries of heaven and the ways of the gods, and taught them to live in obedience
  • He told them that in due time, he would return and then he went back to the sea promising to come back one of these days, sometime in the [ near ] future and walked out into the sea and disappeared
  • Veiled story of an Atlantean traveler, a missionary perhaps who came to these people … and gave them the beginning of the culture of the Druids
  • This one who “came out of the sea” he dressed in armor – probably came on a ship, which came over the horizon and was regarded as evidence that he came out of the sea
  • The most important thing I think in the legend is – that he promised to return
  • So they waited and they kept his laws and they kept his rules for years – but he never came back …


Until now





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Namaste 🤟 Starbuck

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