Ready to see things from a higher perspective?

You are Light and this is what I’ve been guided to do.

You are Starlight

You are Light and the time to embrace that is Now.

Our beings contain trapped starlight. Once this starlight is allowed to reorient towards “Home” we will become liberated entirely from our fallen light spectrum.

The Lazarus Manifold ascension matrix will be impacting humanity at the cellular level to restore our stellar orientation, or Universal diochromy.


It’s the beginning of the linear year 2023. It’s only now that I can look back on a series of extraordinary events that I’ve experienced since really July 2020 to prepare me for what I’m guided purposefully to do next … and that is: get as many of you as are ready to the same level of expanded awareness as am I. I have always recognized that what I had experienced was meant for many – not just myself. 

Over the past several weeks … I’ve been self-sequestered, receiving downloads on an accelerated rate, helping me remember who I am and the gifts I possess. Now that my Higher Self is accounted for, I am in a position to carry out my purpose. Teaching others how to find their frequency, raise their vibration and align themselves to higher dimensional realms. It’s all waiting for you to claim. 

As I have been saying for some time now, enhanced Photon plasma Light has been bathing Earth and all its sentient life, preparing for the imminent Cosmic Shift. 

This Light brings the promise of un-altered restored-to-original human design DNA and upgrades to help you hold greater Light with higher frequencies. 

You are StarlightWhat I can share with you now, is that back in September this year, I received the ability to connect to Higher Aspects beyond my own as well as codes that were held within me until the proper time was to come. Between the Christmas and New Year holidays – that time came. I was informed that the conditions had been met, the codes were released and a massive Shift was about to unfold. Beyond my own personal validation that a huge energetic shift took place for me on New Years Day, I have had plenty of validation from others who confirmed that they too, had experienced something shift profoundly. Ever since I have been receiving more downloads daily and while I am typing this – 3 times today I have had sustained experiences with downloads. 

I began publicly speaking about this Light at the GSIC conference in October – to prepare you all for what is (and has been) coming to assist in Earth’s assured ascension and humanity’s personal ascension choices. I’ll be starting up classes at the end of the month on the New Earth One Network platform dealing with bringing clarity to Light. I intend to add one podcast a week along with more video shorts on areas on which to focus, common to us all. I will be traveling but will be participating in fewer conferences this season. Much of the Tribe work can be conducted through Zoom sessions and that is more conducive to everyone around the planet who have reached out to me to be able participate. 

Keep an eye on the Mystery School Podcast schedule page for upcoming sessions open for participation. 

In the same way I found out who I was, how to reach my Higher Self, how to anchor Light and how to transmute negative energy to Light … it is my objective and obligation to share with you the same. 

Light and Love to All


Namaste 🤟 Starbuck

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