Ready to see things from a higher perspective?

Starbuck’s Soul Journey for Gaia and Humanity

Starbuck’s Higher Aspect

#Pleiadian, #Taygeta, #BlueStarRigel, #Orion, #Antares, #Melchizidek #MysterySchool, #7D, #Lyrans, #TheDweller, #Thoth, #Emerald Tablets, #LawOfOne, #Light, #Sovereignty, #Freewill, #InnerEarth, #Agartha, #Elysium, #Avalon, #Lemuria, #Atlantis, #Egypt, #Himalayas, #Incas, #MountShasta, #Nagas, #SarpaLoka, #AdamAndEve, #DivineFeminine, #Patriarchy, #SacredGeometry, #Alchemy, #CrystalTechnology  V.230918 Through a series of past life regressions and multidimensional experiences since 2020, I have reestablished my ‘original human blueprint’ […]

Starbuck’s Mystery School – Coming out of the Metaphysical Closet

Map of Consciousness

My shit or get off the pot moment has arrived. The Universe says shit well. Here comes what I know: The following is the transcription of the YouTube video I posted declaring the decision to share openly what I know for humanity: I am here to do what I can to help you raise your vibration […]

Affirmations for Activations cards from Starbuck

Affirmations for Activations cards

So many Tribe have been activated in some way by the Inner Earth / New Earth images that are coming through me – here’s one way how my guides suggest I remedy that, so more people could actually hold more of those images in their hands. I have created a deck of high quality, full […]

Books and Illustrations from Starbuck

Starbuck’s Dimensional Adventures

Books available now including my adventures and inspired illustrations  Sometimes it feels as though I’ve been in neutral waiting for the Universe to reveal what it has in mind for me next … and then you stop to look around and you find you’ve somehow knocked out three books. One – an accounting of my […]

Thoth Speaks: Humans and Death 220927


Thoth Speaks – Humans and Death Lowell is a human – just like you. I say that so you can begin to digest that what is being revealed to me – all the magick, multidimensional experiences and Divine guidance I’ve received are within us all if you’d only stop and quiet yourself enough to listen […]

Forgotten Gods of Atlantis Lecture

Atlantis - Library of Alexandria

Atlantis – Let’s set a common frame of reference The Forgotten Gods of Atlantis – Manly Hall Who is Manly P. Hall? Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born author, lecturer, astrologer and mystic. He is best known for his 1928 work “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”. Over […]

New Gallery of Middle Earth, Telos and Energetic Light Portals

Telos beneath Mount Shasta

Illustrations of Inner Earth, Telos and Energetic Light Portals As you probably know several days ago I was part of a podcast that was going to trigger the creative side of things. For a long time now I’ve wanted to find a way to share my visions of what I saw in Telos – Inner […]