Ready to see things from a higher perspective?

Discerning Sound and Vibration energies at Wisdom Spirit Ranch

Zion at Wisdom Spirit Ranch

  V.240125 The power of sound and vibration. This past weekend I was asked to participate in an inaugural retreat at Wisdom Spirit Ranch near Sedona AZ. If you recall, this was the area I was drawn to in early November to validate high energy in this location. The ranch is coming along in stages, […]

Dimensional Contact protocols

City of Light mothership

V.240107 I’m here for the planet and the cosmic clock is ticking. This incarnation placed me on the surface – and I’m a part of those bridging Inner Earth with Ultra- and Extraterrestrial dimensions. Ultraterrestrial beings are those souls we are aware of who starseeded from elsewhere and participate in the Earth experiment.  (Pleaidians, Arcturians, […]

The Craft of the Brazen Serpent – Class in Session 231221

Craft of the Brazen Serpent

Last October, I committed to the private Answers from Thoth’s Wisdom FB group to: activating the school once again and under my direction here – Apprentices of the Craft of the Brazen Serpent – expect to hone your abilities to command the elements, elevate your knowledge of alchemy and remember your magick. [ Maia: Was […]

David Wallace Star Chat podcasts

David P. Wallace – Maths Theorician, Astrophysicist and BES contactee BES Ambassador – A new live podcast with the specific intention of helping members of the U.S. Federal government. Members of the C.I.A, NASA, Space Force, the U.S. Airforce, Naval Intelligence and their affiliates and agents looking for more information about current affairs in space which come from outside of their normal communication channels. The information being shared is intended to both increase these department’s awareness of Supra nominal programs currently being employed by B.E.S. These programs are outside of Earth’s activities which are not of human origin; yet directly pertain to current Earth affairs and the movements of our government which most recently has stimulated the interest of many more species outside of our home world.

David P. Wallace – Maths Theorician, Astrophysicist and BES contactee BES Ambassador – A new live podcast with the specific intention of helping members of the U.S. Federal government. Members of the C.I.A, NASA, Space Force, the U.S. Airforce, Naval Intelligence and their affiliates and agents looking for more information about current affairs in space […]

Universal and Personal Consciousness Lecture – Manly P.Hall

Manly P. Hall - Consciousness

More comprehension of Consciousness  Universal and Personal Consciousness – Manly P. Hall Who is Manly P. Hall? Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born author, lecturer, astrologer and mystic. He is best known for his 1928 work “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”. Over his 70 year career, he […]

Starbuck’s Soul Journey for Gaia and Humanity

Starbuck’s Higher Aspect

#Pleiadian, #Taygeta, #BlueStarRigel, #Orion, #Antares, #Melchizidek #MysterySchool, #7D, #Lyrans, #TheDweller, #Thoth, #Emerald Tablets, #LawOfOne, #Light, #Sovereignty, #Freewill, #InnerEarth, #Agartha, #Elysium, #Avalon, #Lemuria, #Atlantis, #Egypt, #Himalayas, #Incas, #MountShasta, #Nagas, #SarpaLoka, #AdamAndEve, #DivineFeminine, #Patriarchy, #SacredGeometry, #Alchemy, #CrystalTechnology  V.230918 Through a series of past life regressions and multidimensional experiences since 2020, I have reestablished my ‘original human blueprint’ […]

Starbuck’s Mystery School – Coming out of the Metaphysical Closet

Map of Consciousness

My shit or get off the pot moment has arrived. The Universe says shit well. Here comes what I know: The following is the transcription of the YouTube video I posted declaring the decision to share openly what I know for humanity: I am here to do what I can to help you raise your vibration […]