- Adventures, Akashic Records, Ascension, Featured, Inner Earth, Lightworking, Metaphysics, Podcasts, Space Weather, Spirituality
Last October, I committed to the private Answers from Thoth’s Wisdom FB group to: activating the school once again and under my direction here – Apprentices of the Craft of the Brazen Serpent – expect to hone your abilities to command the elements, elevate your knowledge of alchemy and remember your magick. [ Maia: Was there a specific plan by
The time has come for me to step up and share with others outside the comfort of my Tribe: so as to do what I came here to do: help the planet through her ascension to the next dimension and advise humanity at a critical time in its evolution. My visits to higher dimensions were accelerated because Earth’s imminent rise
David P. Wallace – Maths Theorician, Astrophysicist and BES contactee BES Ambassador – A new live podcast with the specific intention of helping members of the U.S. Federal government. Members of the C.I.A, NASA, Space Force, the U.S. Airforce, Naval Intelligence and their affiliates and agents looking for more information about current affairs in space which come from outside of
More comprehension of Consciousness Universal and Personal Consciousness – Manly P. Hall Who is Manly P. Hall? Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born author, lecturer, astrologer and mystic. He is best known for his 1928 work “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”. Over his 70 year career, he gave thousands of lectures and
#Pleiadian, #Taygeta, #BlueStarRigel, #Orion, #Antares, #Melchizidek #MysterySchool, #7D, #Lyrans, #TheDweller, #Thoth, #Emerald Tablets, #LawOfOne, #Light, #Sovereignty, #Freewill, #InnerEarth, #Agartha, #Elysium, #Avalon, #Lemuria, #Atlantis, #Egypt, #Himalayas, #Incas, #MountShasta, #Nagas, #SarpaLoka, #AdamAndEve, #DivineFeminine, #Patriarchy, #SacredGeometry, #Alchemy, #CrystalTechnology V.230918 Through a series of past life regressions and multidimensional experiences since 2020, I have reestablished my ‘original human blueprint’ DNA access to those dormant
David Wallace on Starbuck’s Mystery School Friday, June 30 @ 9A PDT tune in Live for the 4th and final episode with David Wallace. Follow this link for the Zoom podcast credentials: David Wallace on Starbuck’s Mystery School – Ep 4 of 4 Lowell Johnson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81633027299?pwd=SUEwYWhDdlYyWGY2MzhWTXNqQTBQdz09 Meeting ID: 816
Sharula Dux got me curious about the cities she mentioned … so I found the right Inner Earth images to bring forth and voila. 😎 I spent a good portion of my hospitality career involved the the Sales and Marketing process either directly or indirectly. I remember fondly the FAM (familiarization) trips we used to plan and some of the
Here is where my journey intersected with other Lemurians from Telos living on the surface: For those of you just catching up to the existence of Inner Earth, Lemurians, Telos and the like … what follows is the last known audio recording of a Lemurian originally from Telos living among the surface. In all my research, Sharula seemed to be
My shit or get off the pot moment has arrived. The Universe says shit well. Here comes what I know: The following is the transcription of the YouTube video I posted declaring the decision to share openly what I know for humanity: I am here to do what I can to help you raise your vibration – not from anything from
Join us on our journeys finding miraculous experiences in epic places.
Looking to book some time one on one? Use the link below to book an appointment for an ascension consult. Small groups (4) are welcome. Time and day based on availability.
Shoot me your email address and I’ll put you on the list.