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Transitioning from carbon to crystalline

Transitioning from carbon to crystalline

This is the best explanation yet on the changes taking place in preparation for Earth rise in consciousness.

There is an abrupt change taking place within you and you may not even be aware of it yet. Your traditionally carbon-based body is undergoing a transformation towards a crystalline structure. The crystalline body resonates at a higher vibration, aligning with 5D frequencies. This new form is lighter, more agile and has expanded capabilities and faculties. The crystalline cells conduct more light energy and have a robust structural cohesion, allowing the body to flow smoothly.

This shift to a crystalline base is not merely physical, but deeply spiritual, suggesting that our bodies are in tune with higher frequencies of energy and consciousness.

Transitioning from Carbon to Crystalline

Thanks to Shielded Mind for this contribution. 

Namaste 🤟 Starbuck

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