Starbuck’s Mystery School – Starbuck 1on1 220911

Well today was Phil’s day. We been paralleling paths for a bit now and I could tell at the end of Yedyamya’s podcast he didn’t get an opportunity to chime in as we were at the end of our segment. We did cover: Cindy Costa Rica Peru Downloads Triggers Andara crystals CE5 Star Language
The Dimensions Beyond Death Lecture

Dimensionality and Related Topics I don’t normally suggest you sit for a video that lasts 1 1/4 hours but this is worth it for you to explore: Dimensions Reincarnation Akashic records Consciousness Lifetimes Dreams Lessons The Soul Auras Karma I had saved this from last year and today was the day I was supposed […]
New Gallery of Middle Earth, Telos and Energetic Light Portals

Illustrations of Inner Earth, Telos and Energetic Light Portals As you probably know several days ago I was part of a podcast that was going to trigger the creative side of things. For a long time now I’ve wanted to find a way to share my visions of what I saw in Telos – Inner […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School – Starbuck 1on1 220904

Recent solar activity and it’s effects on our physical beings, discussions about LOTS more Tribe showing up with elevated awarenesses, Lemurian connections and Lessons vs Trials …
Solar Influences on Earth NOW

Aurora Borealis – It’s not the sun reflecting off the Poles When I was younger, my father, myself and a small group of uncles, cousins and like-minded male friends would travel to The Boundary Waters between Northern Minnesota and Canada for 10 days or so of fishing. We did this for several years just after […]
The Halls of Amenti and How to Get There

The Halls of Amenti: Home of the Akashic Records The past ten days or so showed me the reach of my accounts and where reports of them are showing up. TikTok, Rumble and Bitchute are a few channels I have no experience with and yet, links to the discussions of my Telos adventure on the […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Yedyamya Cindy 220901

STAR LANGUAGE: If you’ve been following me, you have heard me refer to Yedyamya Cindy. She’s been called an “Activator of Activators”. Her contributions to my journey through her connections and Star language messages have been quite profound. I am blessed to have her as a part of this Tribe. She just returned from a trip […]
Making Sense of Shifting Awareness

Challenge: How do you explain these miraculous phenomena you’ve experienced to your friends and family? Over the last week, interest in my communications has risen dramatically. I’ve been hearing from people from all over the world who resonate with information I’ve shared and at the same time, word of family/friends who wonder what is it […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School – David Wallace 220825

Today’s topic was all about Solar Weather and it’s influence on Earth. It turned out to be another opportunity to connect science with metaphysics and we all were able to connect some more dots along the ascension journeys.
Starbuck’s Mystery School – David Wallace 220818

Although dimensionality was the central theme, leave it two scientists to help us see it from their perspective … dots were most certainly connected.