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ShiftWatch 240906 SE Dolores Cannon, Nevada EQ swarms, The Volunteers

ShiftWatch with Starbuck 240906 SE

V.240906 SE – Episode 26

ShiftWatch 240906 SE Dolores Cannon, Nevada EQ swarms, The Volunteers

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #multidimensionality #consciousness

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound

Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

240906 SE – Episode 26


A recap of current multidimensional conditions


I didn’t have the opportunity to see or hear Dolores Cannon before her passing in 2014, but listening to her experiences gave clarity to this life for me. Yesterday I was guided to listen to one of the longer presentations describing how all this began for her beginning with her awareness of what she was being shown with her husband. As I listened, many beliefs in what I’ve concluded coincided with hers. The one that stood out most was her understanding of when higher intelligences began to appear to assist humanity after our development of atomic power and humanity’s misuse of it. Until then, humanity had been left to their own evolution without interference by those beings watching. As I examined the timeline of my life, there is no doubt that I was part of the first wave Dolores describes. I’ve been in contact with multidimensional beings in preparation for the imminent shift in Earth energies and my mission is to pass the Light codes I carry to others while advising others of what to expect.

Dolores Cannon (2014)

Space Weather Effects

Earthquake swarming is becoming more common and you’re beginning to see the physical results of Earth responding to solar influences like what is happening in Rancho Palos Verde California. All over the world are seeing elevated seismic activity and the ripple effect it’s is having on the planet.

The EarthMaster

Vibration Matching

Dolores Cannon continued

P.S. If there was a video that could prepare you for a perspective of the shift coming – this would be it. I found this a few years ago and it resonated with me as to how conditions on Earth will be changed post-Shift.

The Volunteers



Namaste 🤟 Starbuck 

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