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ShiftWatch 240801 Awareness rising, more sustained sun activity, dimensional evidence, Inner Earth Poseid

ShiftWatch with Starbuck 240801

V.240801 – Episode 18

ShiftWatch 240801 Awareness rising, more sustained sun activity, dimensional evidence, Poseid

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #multidimensionality #consciousness

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound

Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

240801 – Episode 18


A recap of current multidimensional conditions


Sheila and I had a chance to further our discussions for her audience and today I was reflecting on interactions I’ve been having with new Tribe members showing up and sharing. This is but a few minutes of our session which she’ll make public on her podcast schedule soon. The rate at which others are showing up is remarkable but not unexpected.

Space Weather Effects

Here is an update from Suspicious 0bservers regarding the sequence of solar activity recorded over the past several days with a peek at what is lurking on the incoming limb – I’ve never seen a sunspot group that large coming into an Earth-facing position. And The EarthMaster updates us on swarms of earthquake activity in the Philippines at nearly 7.0 levels.

Vibration matching

It seems as though some of the Tribe visiting Mount Shasta not only saw multidimensional activity while they were there – but they were also able to capture the experiences on video.


I’ve been helping other acclimate to the idea of Inner Earth locations and some of the cities I have knowledge of. This one is Poseid – an Atlantean colony beneath the Moto Grosso. There is a reason why these locations are coming onto our awareness.


Namaste 🤟 Starbuck 

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