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ShiftWatch 240725 Two year prep window closing, Lake Tahoe quake swarms, Dave Wallace on CLPT

ShiftWatch with Starbuck 240725

V.240725 – Episode 17

ShiftWatch 240725 two year prep window closing, Lake Tahoe quake swarms, Dave Wallace on CLPT

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #multidimensionality #consciousness

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound

Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

240725 – Episode 17


A recap of current multidimensional conditions


I’m compelled to keep pushing out this timeline from my transmissions  indicating a two year window to get to as many places on the planet and touch as many humans open to the prospect of preparing for this imminent shift in the planet’s consciousness. We are fast approaching the conclusion of that window and I am paying attention to all the physical signs pointing to that reality … here it comes.

Space Weather Effects

Speaking of physical signs … seismic tremors beneath Lake Tahoe are swarming in ways that are highly unusual and historically we are considerably overdue for a significant earthquake in this area.

The EarthMaster

Vibration matching

It was no coincidence that David Wallace had posted the result of some scientific details on the processes of how “they” find contactees. Here is that presentation for your consideration.


Of course Dave Wallace’s quick post on CLPT / CLPF (continuous light pulse transmission / frequency) made me go back to his Part Three (of four) for a refresh of the information. It’s almost like it’s time to harvest the seeds he planted with others over a year ago when he first presented it to us. Often lately I hear from someone who has recently showed up to rejoin the Tribe after hearing something I said or posted a few years back. So this is from Dave’s four part series – I’ve resurrected a section of part three dealing with receiving messages from ultra terrestrials in the form of Light packets we’ve seen.

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