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ShiftWatch 240620 Shasta Solstice history, record seismic activity, New Solar Avatars, receiving signs

ShiftWatch with Starbuck 240620

V.240620 – Episode 12

ShiftWatch 240620 Shasta Solstice history, record seismic activity, New Solar Avatars, receiving signs

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #multidimensionality #consciousness

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound

Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

240620 – Episode 12


A recap of current multidimensional conditions


As some of you know I’ve been traveling down the Solarian rabbit hole and in turn, ended up honoring all the Lightworking efforts I know of or have benefited from.

I find it fascinating to see how dots get connected. I was looking through my archives a few days ago and found a transmission – the last – between Yeya and I at the end of August 2022, that had previously been unpublished. Two years ago I was in Mt Shasta with Yedyamya over the Solstice for a ceremony after guides had directed our presence there which would facilitate my connections to Higher Aspects.

Immediately after that – Yeya headed from Peru for 33 days based on guidance she received while we were in Mt Shasta together. That was the last I would hear from Yeya until I received word that she was withdrawing from her activities in February of this year when her website and YouTube channels were wiped.


Why this exchange is so significant to me now is the realization of the clearing efforts to reconnect Atlantean energy in Lake Titicaca and Lemurian energies at Mount Shasta. These were clearly the actions of Solarian efforts. I only have the audio file from that zoom session but I’ve added some imaging to help bring her words to life.

Space weather effects

Rise in the ionosphere’s atmospheric electromagnetic charge conditions as a result of last month’s swarm of flares

Suspicious 0bservers

Speaking of swarms the daily tremor activity along the west coast is reaching record levels with hundreds per day – day after day.

The EarthMaster

Vibration matching

The Solarian rabbit hole research led me to information about The New Solar Avatars. The few people I have shared this with – this information is resonating at their core. Let’s see if it may have the same effect with you.

P.S. Getting a sign and the sobering effect it can have. I share one of these instances where I asked for a sign – and got it.

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