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Inner Earth Cities – Aratu beneath Amarna Egypt, Atlantean colony

Inner Earth Cities - Aratu Amarna Egypt

#InnerEarth, #Aratu, #Amarna, #Egypt, #Ahkenaten, #Nefertiti, #Solarians, #Osiris, #Multidimensional, #AstheBirdSings, #Deskant,

Beneath Amarna Egypt

Atlantean technology colony

Epidemic Sound – Music: As the Bird Sings, Deskant

GSD Studio 😎

Aratu – Time to illuminate Inner Earth … before we can bridge it with Ultra- and Extraterrestrial dimensions.

My obsession with learning about the Solarians turned up an unexpected surprise in that it revealed another Inner Earth city. Of course there would be one under Egypt … it just wasn’t going to become known until the time was right. Here’s what I can share about Aratu (pronounced AR-A-TOO)

What your history lessons about Egypt didn’t cover is that beneath the city of Amarna is an underground complex created by Ahkenaten and his queen Nefertiti. This complex – the Aratu await its future. It contains machines for a future time.

It uses Atlantean technology …

They had mastered harnessing energy plumbed directly from the planet into conical crystal structures that could spawn that energy in a variety of forms, ways and purposes. This is the same wireless natural electromagnetic force that Tesla had tapped into.

This Atlantean technology will be shared with humanity upon reaching the appropriate vibration levels.


Welcome to Aratu. 😎

Aratu – under Amarna 

beneath Amarna Egypt, Atlantean tech colony

click below to view

Namaste 🤟 Starbuck

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