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ShiftWatch 250109 the Afterlife of Billy Fingers, Africa will split, interstellar conveyances over Mexico, CLPT in TX

ShiftWatch with Starbuck 250109

V.250109 – Episode 43

ShiftWatch 250109 Billy Fingers, Africa will split, interstellar conveyances over Mexico, CLPT in TX

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #multidimensionality #consciousness

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound

Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

Unfinished Stories, Lennon Hutton

250109 – Episode 43


A recap of current multidimensional conditions


Prior to the beginning of my metaphysical journey I wasn’t really much of a reader. However all that changed then and one of the first books that was recommended to me was the Afterlife of Billy Fingers by Annie Kagan. It was to have a profound effect on my awareness of what life after death is and the reality of communication with multiple dimensions. Here is a clip I found in Annie’s own words about the experience and note – even back when this was originally recorded, she was fully conscious of the nature of vibration.

Afterlife TV with Bob Olson

Space Weather Effects

Here is more evidence of the effect active solar conditions and on the resulting geomagnetic storms Earth has been receiving. Ben Davidson at Suspicious 0bservers lays out some more conditions including a cluster of tremors in Ethiopia both volcanic and earthquakes – that have caused a widening crevasse some expect to split the continent along the fault line that runs beneath this part of the globe.

Suspicious 0bservers

Vibration matching

This recent sighting is particularly interesting to me in that it was captured as you can see here by many people over the skies in Mexico. Yes – this activity is going on all over the planet. Discern for yourself.



As Dave Wallace began teaching us a few years back, we are already aware of communication taking place with those open and capable of exchanging with Beyond Earth Sentients. He taught us about CLPT (continuous light pulse frequencies) of CLPF (continuous light pulse frequencies). Here is what we believe is an excellent example of such activity as well as what are most likely telemeres. Adjust your vibrations accordingly and you will set yourself up for contact if that is what you wish. Regardless of what you believe about the existence and interactions of BES, they are here now and making contact with some already. Buckle up.



Namaste 🤟 Starbuck 

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