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ShiftWatch 240425 – Follow up with Katie in Ireland, Sun causing increased auroras, Tribe shares sky phenomenon, Andara Crystals

ShiftWatch with Starbuck 240425

V.240425 – Episode 4

ShiftWatch 240425 – Follow up with Katie in Ireland, Sun causing increased auroras, Tribe shares sky phenomenon, Andara Crystals

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #multidimensionality #consciousness

Music: Epidemic Sound

Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

Earth Hour, Ecobel

240425- Episode 4


A recap of current multidimensional conditions

News  – Today’s Energy shifts focus is on

Katie from Ireland asks about my experiences with Energy changes around the Eclipse vs. current conditions

Space Weather

Ben @ Suspicious0bservers shares this current update of the sun’s effect on the increasing and abnormal auroral activities

Vibration matching

Examples of sky phenomena my friends have shared from different places on the planet – see what you make of it

Aug 2023 Stargate over Ukraine

Sep 2022 Stargate opening

Sep 2022 Active Stargate with an intergalactic conveyance emerging through

Feb 2023 Robert Renick’s Mt Shasta Lightship

P.S. Andara Crystals found their way into recent conversations and so I feel it’s time to pay tribute to these powerful, magical relics for some of you who may be new to this crystal. Enjoy some activating images from my gallery found at authentic sources.

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