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ShiftWatch 250313 human metamorphosis, magnetic pole shift, UAPs watching, energetic manipulation

ShiftWatch with Starbuck 250313

V.250313 – Episode 52

ShiftWatch 250313 human metamorphosis, magnetic pole shift, UAPs watching, energetic manipulation

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #multidimensionality #consciousness

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound

Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

250313 – Episode 52


Further evidence of multidimensional phenomena and the tangible signs of what we are experiencing. Kathy describes what has been happening in her field – validated by her husband. More people are coming forward to prove you can’t stop anyone from having multidimensional experiences. We are all undergoing a metamorphosis energetically.

Space Weather Effects

Tracking the shift in the magnetic poles … Ben Davidson gives us an update on the history of our wandering magnetic poles – more evidence that the pole shift is a reality that is unfolding whether we are paying attention or not.

Space Weather News

Vibration Matching

UAPs observing Ukraine … there has been previous evidence of ultra terrestrial contact to protect the planet around military installations, disabling warheads. I’m not surprised one bit that we are hearing more reports of sightings especially in these war zones.

Space Weather News

Ukraine sourced paper on recent UAP observations


Energy manipulation – access abilities you didn’t even know you had. In last week’s episode, we covered the Seven Hermetic Principles to demonstrate that there are steps we can take to manifest our own realties … any one of us are equipped to have higher dimensional experiences.

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Namaste 🤟 Starbuck 

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