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ShiftWatch 250306 Seven Hermetic principles, west coast US EQs, HP Blavatsky predictions, Solarians

ShiftWatch with Starbuck 250306

V.250306 – Episode 51

ShiftWatch 250306 Seven Hermetic principles, west coast US EQs, HP Blavatsky predictions, Solarians

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #multidimensionality #consciousness

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound

Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

250306 – Episode 51


The Seven Hermetic Principles were squarely placed in my path due to some others who “stumbled” over them and asked if I knew of them. I found what I believe – aside from reading the entire Kybalion … to be a source to help once again bind science and metaphysics together in a way that is understandably meaningful to others. Bruce Lipton sums up the principles for us and I chose the section having to do with vibration as it has my prevailing thinking for some time now. I promise, spending the 24 minutes to listen to Bruce’s entire presentation will put the whole “thoughts become things” into scientific perspective for you, if you still need further evidence of this fact.

The Seven Hermetic Principles

Bruce H Lipton, PhD

Space Weather Effects

Elevating earthquake activity along the west coast of the US from Washington State southward toward Hollywood, CA. Another heightening area of concern as seismic activity following solar storms is continuing and leading to the Event.

The EarthMaster

Vibration Matching

Helena Blavatsky’s Prophecies come to mind as more akashic records are released and how they parallel our current reality. I was drawn to her descriptions of the six root races and the roles they played – and are playing out. See what you think.

Lifted Veils


The Solarians, ascension mandates including the Violet Flame, the Golden Taya allotments for the LP-40 (Light Principle 40) light encoded areas associated with their ascension and their transfer from Nephilim to Solarian guardianship. Maia provides this information from a Thoth channeling on or around 1995 that she stored in her archive.–sg_CVpNj

Maia Nartoomid


Namaste 🤟 Starbuck 

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