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ShiftWatch 250227 Energetic Earth grid project, X-flares back in play, IC video, finding Shambhalla

ShiftWatch with Starbuck 250227

V.250227 – Episode 50

ShiftWatch 250227 Energetic Earth grid project, X-flares back in play, IC video, finding Shambhalla

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #multidimensionality #consciousness

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound

Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

Orcas, Marten Moses

250227 – Episode 50


Helena Walker and I sat down for another collaboration – this time around the Energetic Earth grid plotting I’ve been accumulating to share on Google Earth.

Helena Walker

Space Weather Effects

Hello X flare, after a rather dormant period, the sun has reawakened and is causing geomagnetic disruptions to our planet, the EarthMaster has an update.

The EarthMaster

And there is this strange sighting caught live on News 4 Skycam in Oklahoma … the astronomer clearly didn’t get it right.

Vibration Matching

Here is some more recent video of the kinds of interstellar conveyance activity taking place overhead – some familiar to us and some not. Educate yourselves on this phenomena in preparation for contact.



The search for Shambhalla in Inner Earth – here is some more information on the Roerichs and their journeys to find Shambhalla in Inner Earth.

The Mystical Polymath


Namaste 🤟 Starbuck 

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