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ShiftWatch 250206 HoneyCGolden, EQ swarms near Santorini, BES evidence, life in Telos

ShiftWatch with Starbuck 250206

V.250206 – Episode 47

ShiftWatch 250206 HoneyCGolden, EQ swarms near Santorini, BES evidence, life in Telos

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #multidimensionality #consciousness

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound

Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

Immer Zusammen, Spiegelstadt

250206 – Episode 47


Honey C Golden invited me to sit down with her for her channel and I had that rare chance to speak to someone also vibrating at high levels. Just before we went on-air, Honey shared that she had finally had a tangible experience of her own and so sharing the details of our experiences just become much richer after someone else can validate your own. Thank you Honey for your contributions. There are plans afoot with Honey and myself to host a Live zoom session soon, where others can interact together with us in real time. Stay tuned for details.

Space Weather Effects

Ben Davidson from the recently renamed Suspicious 0bservers, shares his current observations on the uptick in solar activity, earthquakes swarming near Santorini’s volcano and more


Vibration Matching

I will keep bringing evidence of current activity or contact when it resonates and so here is the latest update a few nights ago from my buddy Mental Chillness. So often now we are presented with images in the sky with no explanation of what we are seeing. It’s important to understand what we are seeing in preparation for contact – because it’s imminent. Here is some awesome infrared video for your consideration.

Mental Chillness


Seeing as this week the Lemurians kept creeping into conversations, it’s only right that I replay part of a real Lemurian’s explanation of life in Telos in her own words – so I present to you again Sharula Dux, Lemurian Princess on Communications and Computers. Special thanks to my friend Dianne Robbins for permission to repurpose this historic information.


Namaste 🤟 Starbuck 

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