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ShiftWatch 240926 storing DNA in crystals, tsunamis growing, Mary Rodwell, the Agartha Network

ShiftWatch with Starbuck 240926

V.240926 – Episode 28

ShiftWatch 240926 storing DNA in crystals, tsunamis growing, Mary Rodwell, the Agartha Network

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #multidimensionality #consciousness

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound

Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

240926 – Episode 28


A recap of current multidimensional conditions


A few days so, Dave Wallace had sent me an article regarding science suggesting the possibility of crystals holding and storing DNA genome. Some of you may recall Dave addressing this issue in late August last year. Science is catching up with metaphysics.

Space Weather Effects

An underground tremor near Japan caused a tsunami greater than expected given the seismic conditions that occurred under the ocean. The narrator goes on to say we should be open to expecting more of this activity within the next two weeks based on historical patterns.


Vibration Matching

Some of you may know Mary Rodwell, an Australian who has a wealth of knowledge and experience with multidimensional phenomenon and here she is in an interview with the gals from Ethereal Edge Podcast.–oRdIksJR

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