Starbuck’s Mystery School 240309 – Multidimensional Contact Protocols

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact Solarians are present. Contact is increasing and that’s why we’re compelled to talk about it. With Paula Davis and Dave Wallace 240309 Namaste 🤟 Lowell
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240227 – Chantal Light-filled Channel with Dave Wallace

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ChantalLightfilledChannel #DavidWallace With Dave Wallace 240227 This a bonus reel for subscribers as this session wasn’t a regular podcast recording … Chantal is getting ready to travel to Mount Shasta in March so she reached out to me and I thought we should record the session to share with others planning Shasta visits. Namaste […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240224 – Lilly and James

#StarbucksMysterySchool James and Lilly 240223 Lilly shared pieces of the last four years on her journey and many of them made me smile because my circumstances along the way had too many simliarities to ignore. I’m delighted that Lilly agreed to share this with others coming nto thor own elevated awarenesses. She is definitely Tribe. […]
The Example is now available in paperback and kindle on Amazon

V.240219 The Example – in paperback and Kindle on Amazon For those of you that have been waiting, I’ve made a change in publishing so you may now find the latest book in something other than a hardcover format. The Example takes all my journal notes on my trips to energetic places including Mount Shasta […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240217 – Sound and Vibration

#StarbucksMysterySchool Dave Wallace, Paula Davis and I reflect on why symbols and sound seems to be so prominent right now for all of us. Dave Wallace Paula Davis 240217 Namaste 🤟 Lowell
More upgrades since activations at Wisdom Spirit Ranch

V.240213 More upgrades from Wisdom Spirit Ranch Last week I posted an update about the current rising energetic circumstances I experienced at Wisdom Spirit Ranch … it seems now that I wasn’t finished with the changes taking place. So in order for you to look for similar occurrences in your environment, I’ll share mine. […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240203 – Dimensionality filtered through Love

#StarbucksMysterySchool Reporting on advancing our awareness of multidimensional experiences and the signs associated with it Dave Wallace Paula Davis 240203 Namaste 🤟 Lowell
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240127 – Activations through sound and vibration at Wisdom Spirit Ranch

#StarbucksMysterySchool #Sound #Vibration #HigherDimensions What has assimilated with me since the retreat weekend at Wisdom Spirit Ranch – plasma beings in my field – Orion recording seems to be sped up Dave Wallace Paula Davis 240127 Namaste 🤟 Lowell
Discerning Sound and Vibration energies at Wisdom Spirit Ranch

V.240125 The power of sound and vibration. This past weekend I was asked to participate in an inaugural retreat at Wisdom Spirit Ranch near Sedona AZ. If you recall, this was the area I was drawn to in early November to validate high energy in this location. The ranch is coming along in stages, […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240113 – What do yo make of that Miami Mall visit?

#StarbucksMysterySchool, #multidimensionality, #Tribe, #Observer follow up for this conversation on Dave’s podcast channel a few nights ago. Dave Wallace Paula Davis 240113 Namaste 🤟 Lowell