Ready to see things from a higher perspective?

Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Starbuck 1on1 – 230716

Starbuck’s Mystery School

#MountShasta, #Telos, #Lemurians FIrst, any opportunity to communicate with the energy of Mount Shasta behind me – count me in. I have been successful (for whatever energetic explanation) to get a connection signal one the mountain where none should exist, but this will be the third time I have been able to zoom with the […]

Sharula Dux – Lemurian Princess on Atlantis, Lemuria, Inner Earth and Telos 230622

Starbuck’s Mystery School

Sharula Dux – Lemurian Princess from Telos She’s a Lemurian princess who lived on the surface at least between the early 90’s to about 2005-2007 when she again, dropped off the radar. What she left behind through a collaboration with Dianne Robbins found its way to me. … and with Dianne’s blessing  I’ve produced this […]

Starbuck’s Mystery School – Coming out of the Metaphysical Closet

Map of Consciousness

My shit or get off the pot moment has arrived. The Universe says shit well. Here comes what I know: The following is the transcription of the YouTube video I posted declaring the decision to share openly what I know for humanity: I am here to do what I can to help you raise your vibration […]

Affirmations for Activations cards from Starbuck

Affirmations for Activations cards

So many Tribe have been activated in some way by the Inner Earth / New Earth images that are coming through me – here’s one way how my guides suggest I remedy that, so more people could actually hold more of those images in their hands. I have created a deck of high quality, full […]

Faery Falls hike near Mount Shasta dimensional noise Images

The Hike – Sunday May 14, 2023 – Faery Falls near Mount Shasta Click here to link to the video on my YouTube channel Thanks to Dave Wallace, we have some screenshots of a dimensional being in the footage I captured. Dave has a lot more experience with unusual phenomena and knows what to look […]

Faery Falls hike near Mount Shasta dimensional noise 230514

Faery Falls near Mount Shasta

The Hike – Sunday May 14, 2023 – Faery Falls near Mount Shasta Click here to link to the video on my YouTube channel It’s been a few weeks now since my last visit to the Mt Shasta area and there was going to be some evidence I’d be able to share with others of […]

Peter Roth: Power vs Force, David Wallace, Berlin

Energetic spiral at the Lemurian vortex: Mount Shasta, CA

Another compelling resource was placed in my path and … I learned a little more about myself Peter Roth: “you are 725”. Last September during a transmission from guides with Yedyamya, I was told in no uncertain terms “You must embody more”. Not fully comprehending what that meant at the time, I assumed in time […]