You are Light and this is what I’ve been guided to do.

You are Light and the time to embrace that is Now. Our beings contain trapped starlight. Once this starlight is allowed to reorient towards “Home” we will become liberated entirely from our fallen light spectrum. The Lazarus Manifold ascension matrix will be impacting humanity at the cellular level to restore our stellar orientation, or Universal […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast Schedule

Live Podcast Zoom sessions – Sat 9A PDT Follow this link for Zoom podcast credentials: Starbuck’s Mystery School – Saturdays, 9AM PDT – Guest interviews and interactions Each week I’ll be following up on topics that have triggered the Tribe in one way or another, where we can find opportunities to talk about the extraordinary […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Starbuck 1on1 – 221218

This was the final Sunday podcast for the year (although there are a few interviews planned here before Jan 1st). Today we had a few Tribe step up and tell us more about their individual journeys. Thank you Irene Kuijt for joining us from the Netherlands, Michaela Duriel from Slovakia for their contributions and to […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Yedyamya transmission 221215

Thanks Yedyamya for bringing this together and your her willingness to allow higher Aspects to mingle with us. This is a transmission from the Galactic High Command regarding connecting humanity to their Galactic Aspects.
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Sherri Divband 221215

Sherri and I were presenters at the Galactic & Spiritual Informers Conference in Orlando – we connected immediately. This day we continue with Part 3 of our conversations. Stay tuned to my you tube channel later this afternoon for Part 3 of my chat with Lowell Johnson. We will be discussing inner earth, portals and […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Starbuck 1on1 – 221211

This Sunday’s Starbuck’s Mystery School podcast featured Phil Damon, Paula Davis and Olga sharing more of their journeys and focus on the Ascension Handbook.
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Starbuck 1on1 – 221208

This Thursday’s Starbuck’s Mystery School podcast featured Donald Deadwyler, Phil Damon, Vaneeta Santoshi, Paula Davis, Lisa Woodward sharing more of their journeys and how they found resonance in our synchronicities.
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Starbuck 1on1 – 221204

This Sunday’s Starbuck’s Mystery School podcast featured Justin Martinez and Paula Davis sharing more of their journeys and how they found resonance in our synchronicities. Golden Taya preparation …
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Starbuck 1on1 – 221201

Thursday’s Starbuck’s Mystery School podcast Phil Damon Vaneeta Santoshi Courtney Bergeson Paula Davis Sherri C.
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Starbuck 1on1 – 221127

Sunday’s Starbuck’s Mystery School podcast – finally one we recorded and Paula was the perfect one to share today. More Tribe has found their way here. 🤗 Paula Davis How she found me, her journey, the Telos synchronicity, Dianne Robbins, establishing “evidence”, electromagnetic beings and the meaning of the word “Telos”. 😎