David P. Wallace – Maths Theorician, Astrophysicist and BES contactee
BES Ambassador – A new live podcast with the specific intention of helping members of the U.S. Federal government. Members of the C.I.A, NASA, Space Force, the U.S. Airforce, Naval Intelligence and their affiliates and agents looking for more information about current affairs in space which come from outside of their normal communication channels.
The information being shared is intended to both increase these department’s awareness of Supra nominal programs currently being employed by B.E.S. These programs are outside of Earth’s activities which are not of human origin; yet directly pertain to current Earth affairs and the movements of our government which most recently has stimulated the interest of many more species outside of our home world.
It is our hope that members of these agencies find this information helpful as increase in contact becomes more commonplace. Here are the fundamental intentions which guide this program:

We have had meaningful relationships with Beyond Earth Sentients for many many years, regardless of any form of rulers, kingdoms or government. Those of us who are truly free and currently enjoy this special friendship do not require government help or assistance of any kind.
It is you who are being kept out of the loop. It is you who are not learning the truth. This is because of the nature of thinking and the behavior exhibited by your leadership. The inevitable truth of contact, which many humans not affiliated with Government have already had, has been proven over and over throughout history and modern times. There’s no use in trying to obfuscate, lie or hide facts from us. It is we, who have had the experiences. It is we who know the facts. We have decided that enough is enough. The covert operation leaders who hide what they know, who try to control the narrative, who outright lie to you and the general public, will no longer be allowed to make statements of empirical facts.

We know that the heads of your agencies watch all of the “ufo” programs trying to figure out what’s going on.
Don’t you find it odd that divine messages from Sentient species come to us rather than your leaders? We feel sorry for you. The gift of communication comes from your heart. The gift of wonderful friendship comes from your deepest thoughts. Believe me, your leaders suffer from dark thoughts, thoughts of control, manipulation, greed, power, war. Their evil deeds are the reason why they have been unselected for meaningful contact. [“Karma’s a bitch” … Starbuck]
We know that eventually many members of the armed services Intelligence community will also be engaging species from other planets with new relationships. We also understand that there are certain members of secret government community whom have already been engaged with certain species.
Let’s now drop the pretense.
This is not a program where you will be given any form of special access, this is not a product specifically designed for military personnel. This information we are sharing is for those officers, cadets, service men and women, who absolutely know in their hearts that “something is up” yet cannot find the truth from within the infrastructure currently available to them through black ops, controlling structure programs and “need to know only” systems.

We feel sorry for you. We feel sorry for the many brave, wonderful people working under the strict secrecy guidelines which prohibit and which forbid you to look up to the stars, call out to Them, and have your own special friendships. We know. It is with this knowledge that we are here to serve you. Regretfully you have not been shown the incredible love, support for and kindness our species has received.
I suspect that you live in some fear when you come home from work, that you would love to share what you know with your husband, wife, partner. That the pain of keeping dark secrets hurts your heart and fills you with some shame. We know. We feel your pain, the direction of humankind must always be thought of as loving, compassionate with forgiveness.
These truths you are about to see and share are about all of us, not the cloisters and backrooms of the Pentagon. If you are the one walking down the tiled corridor following a colored line to the room with a table, then this information will help you the most. May the following information program give you the strength to continue, the hope and love you need to know you are not alone. The joy and comprehension that we the experiencers understand what you are going through which forever forbids you from hearing and knowing the truth about our friends from other worlds. From this day forward, know this, and that we love and care about you, just as they do. We will do what we can to bring to you as much understanding as you are ready for.
Namaste 🤟 David Wallace
BES Ambassador