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Galactic Photon Belt Alignment – Part 3 of 3

The Galactic Photon Belt Alignment – Part 3 of 3 The Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun The Sun is connected to every aspect of life and creates the world as we live in it. The Sun is not just a gaseous ball but has very highly evolved worlds and Beings. The Sun is […]

Galactic Photon Belt Alignment – Part 2 of 3

The Galactic Photon Belt Alignment – Part 2 of 3 The Galactic Center The Galactic Center is 26,000 Light Years from the Sun, and we are merging with it now as we come to the end of the cycle. It is the cross over point, the Void, Zero Point and our Solar System is moving […]

Galactic Photon Belt Alignment – Part 1 of 3

The Galactic Photon Belt Alignment – Part 1 of 3  In 1961 astronomers discovered, by means of satellite instrumentation, what appeared to be an unusual nebula. We normally understand the nebula phenomenon as a vast cloud-like mass of gas or dust. This one, however, appeared to have anomalous properties and was named the Golden Nebula.  […]