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THOTH the Atlantean and the Emerald Tablets

Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

THOTH the Atlantean and the Emerald Tablets If your history lessons didn’t include the Emerald Tablets and Thoth the Atlantean, here is a link to the best, comprehendible version of these ancient tablets and their meaning. Transcribed in 1925 by Dr. Doreal, it holds the writings of Thoth. I was drawn to the Emerald Tablets […]

Andara Crystals – Truths vs tales

Andara Crystal Myths, Legends and Truths. I have been interested in rocks, stones, crystals, etc since I was young. That could be explained away as what my Capricorn earth sign would imply, but that interest over time became a passion and now I know why.  As everything is energy, crystals in particular hold higher frequency […]