Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Yedyamya transmission 230701

There was sooo much good information to unpack at the end of this that what popped into my head was that I was listening to a TedTalk performed by Yaya with so much content that, that I expected to be led to the break out sessions … Much gratitude to everyone holding space today and […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Yedyamya transmission 221215

Thanks Yedyamya for bringing this together and your her willingness to allow higher Aspects to mingle with us. This is a transmission from the Galactic High Command regarding connecting humanity to their Galactic Aspects.
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Yedyamya transmission & activation 221005

Yes … the Craft of the Brazen Serpent Initiates especially need to be in the loop on transmissions and activations. I invite you to participate in the Live sessions and podcasts whenever you can … afterward the replays will uploaded on my YouTube channel and audio to Starbuck’s Mystery School podcasts on Spotify, Amazon and […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Yedyamya transmission for Lowell 220914

STAR LANGUAGE: If you’ve been following me, you have heard me refer to Yedyamya Cindy. She’s been called an “Activator of Activators”. Cindy had a transmission for me that I have held close to my chest for awhile until I felt ready to release it publicly. You’re about to witness an important activation for myself (and […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School – Starbuck 1on1 220911

Well today was Phil’s day. We been paralleling paths for a bit now and I could tell at the end of Yedyamya’s podcast he didn’t get an opportunity to chime in as we were at the end of our segment. We did cover: Cindy Costa Rica Peru Downloads Triggers Andara crystals CE5 Star Language
Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Yedyamya Cindy 220901

STAR LANGUAGE: If you’ve been following me, you have heard me refer to Yedyamya Cindy. She’s been called an “Activator of Activators”. Her contributions to my journey through her connections and Star language messages have been quite profound. I am blessed to have her as a part of this Tribe. She just returned from a trip […]