Ready to see things from a higher perspective?

Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Starbuck 1on1 – 221127

Starbuck’s Mystery School

Sunday’s Starbuck’s Mystery School podcast – finally one we recorded and Paula was the perfect one to share today. More Tribe has found their way here. 🤗 Paula Davis How she found me, her journey, the Telos synchronicity, Dianne Robbins, establishing “evidence”, electromagnetic beings and the meaning of the word “Telos”.   😎

Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Dave Wallace – 221116

Starbuck’s Mystery School

It’s been awhile since Dave Wallace and I sat down to share. That doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been anything worthy of sharing but we were all going through some strange energies post-eclipse it seems and we cover that today. In addition, Dave and I continue to have multidimensional experiences and Dave generously chose to […]

Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Sherri Divband 221102

Starbuck’s Mystery School

Sherri and I were presenters at the Galactic & Spiritual Informers Conference in Orlando – we connected immediately. This day we cover: Telos, Ascension, Children, our Evolution & more with Lowell Johnson and Sherri Divband – Aramis Centers

Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Starbuck 1on1 221027

Starbuck’s Mystery School

Jan has been here before and its her turn to open up.  Nick found me after the conference and he has a list of questions well suited for the podcast. V covered an experience with Shiva and a serpent, that’s the third instance I’ve heard about serpents coming to protect AND … V has a […]

Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Starbuck 1on1 221002

Starbuck’s Mystery School

Today:  How do you keep a High vibration, Thoughts become things, Observe yourself, Clearing karmic cords is not lingering in negativity, Lemurian communication instructions coming for humanity to understand Lemurian vibration, Sam the illusionist and Adam Rikys, What drives Lemurian technology – their consciousness, Lessons vs Trials.

Starbuck’s Mystery School Podcast – Starbuck 1on1 220929

Starbuck’s Mystery School

Today we discuss a trend I’m beginning to see with Tribe showing up and reporting that their enlightenment experiences seem to fit within a 2-3 year ago period, Meditation / Yoga practice, Thoth transmissions begin and Thoughts become things.