Lily Nova – Lily asked for an activation, she has the qualities to receive it. Inner Earth calling.

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #LowellJohnson #Atlantis #Lemuria Lily Nova and one other metaphysically aware soul came forward this week after viewing something I had posted . Both had reached out as thought they had been teased by some energies and wanted more. In the scheme of well-adjusted, spiritually adept people – I held both Lily and Rev […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240522 – David Wallace a scientific perspective on current solar events

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #LowellJohnson #DaveWallace Dave came out today with some information he was compelled to share to here we go … V. 240522 Namaste 🤟 Lowell
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240520 – Lemurian energy awareness expanding and Mount Shasta calling

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #LowellJohnson #ElHerington El from Hawaii is the latest Lemurian to show and I’ve included a clip of our session heavily influenced by Lemurian energies El Herington During her 16 years in Hawaii she refined her modality to assist others to recover and regroup your fractals into 100% soul retrieval. More on QSR – […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School special edition with David Wallace 240502

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #LowellJohnson #DaveWallace Dave Wallace surprised me with a follow up from his interview on Infinite Star Connections with Viviane Chauvet and Jeff Demers There was an additional message KymJym wished to communicate to clarify what we had heard during Dave’s channeling It has to do with protocols for communication with BES. Additionally, […]
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240420 – with David Wallace and Paula Davis

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #Lemurians #LowellJohnson #DaveWallace #PaulaDavis Dave and Paula joined me to today to discuss some significant changes taking place. Some that match the shifting others are experiencing as well. V. 240420 Namaste 🤟 Lowell
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240413 – follow up with Katie Mullins in Ireland

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #Lemurians Katie Mullins with Lowell 240413 – comparing ascension notes from Ireland 240413 Namaste 🤟 Lowell
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240406 – record seismic activity with Dave Wallace

#StarbucksMysterySchool More evidence of elevated electromagnetic energies was reported in New Jersey that had an effect on the greater New York City area, this was historically unprecedented. We talk about this and more clarity on these energies arriving. 240406 Namaste 🤟 Lowell
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240330 – with Dave Wallace

#StarbucksMysterySchool I begin to spell out a new fun format that was brought forward the last two days. To host an under-10 minute news, weather and sports recap (energy shifts, solar storms and vibration matching) with my own multidimensional spin. 240330 Namaste 🤟 Lowell
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240321 – Katie Mullins in Ireland

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #Lemurians Katie Mullins with Lowell 240321 – comparing ascension notes from Ireland 240321 Namaste 🤟 Lowell
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240316 – Guides advice for us – Tend to Your Own Flame

#StarbucksMysterySchool #consciousness #TendToYourOwnFlame Although this channel podcast will continue to be a forum for anyone in the Tribe to come and interact, the time for me to move on from posting evidence for you all to see has come. I will be focusing on my own journey as it is in evolution stage and I’m […]