Starbucks Mystery School 250221 Helena Prochazkova Czech Republic energies

Starbucks Mystery School 250221 – Helena Prochazkova Czech Republic energies Helena and I discuss the Energetic Earth grid plotting we’ve been sharing on Google Earth as well the impact solar energies will have on the planet. Look for Starbucks Mystery School podcasts on Apple, Amazon and Spotify Namaste 🤟 Lowell
Starbucks Mystery School 250218 David Wallace on science and metaphysics, time light gravity sound

Starbuck’s Mystery School 250218 David Wallace on science, seismic swarms, other civilizations, time light gravity and sound #StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #DavidWallace, #multidimensionality #consciousness Late last week, Dave Wallace sent a YouTube link to me of an interview with a scientist and inventor of some mathematical renown: Frederick Faggin. The interview was going on about this […]
Starbucks Mystery School 250130 – David Wallace shares latest evidence of current BES contact

Starbucks Mystery School 250130 – David Wallace shares latest evidence of current BES contact Dave shares images from a few nights ago in response to his request for contact Look for Starbucks Mystery School podcasts on Apple, Amazon and Spotify Namaste 🤟 Lowell
David Wallace and Lowell 250109 on current BES contact

Well there is certainly something brewing and growing specifically within the last few days and so … here is some evidence Dave shared with me from a few days ago and then … This next contribution – also from the last few days, shows some CLPT/CLPF activity first and then following guidance on the way […]
David Wallace and Lowell 241220 – disclosure is reaching the next level

Dave Wallace and I connected today after a while of sequestering … there are activities and connections over the past few days indicating an anticipated elevation in discernment seeking. In the last several weeks especially, more people have been coming out of the woodwork, sensing energies new to them. Reported multidimensional experiences are once again […]
Dave Wallace on Annealing Light to Sound 241117 – science claims to be catching on

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #LowellJohnson #DavidWallace If you’ve been missing Dave Wallace and his perspective on changing energies here is a treat for you. This past week the Max Planck Institute published a piece on entangling Light and Sound … if you recall during Dave’s 4-part series on my channel last year – he told us about […]
Starbucks Mystery School 240829 Rhonda Spence on receiving Light codes and activating others

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #LowellJohnson #RhondaSpence Rhonda and I discuss current conditions with regard to receiving Light codes and activating others. V. 240829 Namaste 🤟 Lowell
Starbucks Mystery School 240821 Dave Wallace on energetic changes

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #LowellJohnson #DaveWallace Dave Wallace and I came out of sequestering to document these energetic changes we’ve been experiencing that have been validated by other Tribe members as well. Over the last two weeks physical ascension symptoms have not just manifested, but endured over days. In my particular case, I feel these cellular changes […]
Starbucks Mystery School 240724 David Wallace on contact preparation thru CLPT-CLPF

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #LowellJohnson #DaveWallace Dave and I share what has been going on over the last few weeks with contact increasing. Including blue light orbs visiting his space similar to what I had experienced in AZ. V. 240724 Namaste 🤟 Lowell
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240708 – Tracy Rozanski and Lowell

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #LowellJohnson #MountShasta #BlackButte We covered many similar areas, but we start by discussing an image she captured from the Black Butte trailhead that showed an energy vortex on Black Butte. Clearly her vibration was high enough to experience what she did. V. 240708 Namaste 🤟 Lowell