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More of the Tribe showed up and more are getting comfortable about sharing … so after viewing the exchange between Data Dump Dave the other day, Michaela was triggered to share the experience she’s been carrying around for awhile now.
Arcturian Blue was a common resonant for everybody this past week and a focal point of Michaela’s story. After listening to Robyn open up about her first contact, it reads to me like in the end of all that clearing she had to go through, that her role there was as Liberator for a lot of souls that were stuck there.
In the end, it wasn’t uncommon for first contact to be a bit unsettling to fearful. In every case however, the spirit(s) reaching out turned out to be benevolent and now communication with that level of vibrational beings has been established.
“Fear cleared” was how that came to manifest.
Namaste 🤟 Starbuck