#MountShasta #Telos #Physicality #Energy #EvidentiaryMedium #AndaraCrystal
Christine and I were going to follow up after her first time trip to Mount Shasta so what better place to document her experience and impressions than here with Tribe. She is another one of us that is an Evidentiary Medium, we look for tangible proof. Christine: thank you Experiencer for getting off your ass and out from behind a screen to find some extraordinary energies as you now can speak intelligently about …
Dave Wallace and I are so much in alignment in our Observations – its synchronous when he talks about his higher connected take on Christine and her adventures …
Christine being the “Accountant” who suddenly wrote books about topics she didnt necessary start out choosing … sounds a lot like my friend Paula Davis – the “Consultant” turned writer on a topic leading her to Inner Earth and consequnetly me. It should be noted that long agp Paula had medium skills that she tucked away. She and I were drawn closer when she demonstrated being a due diligence seeker. Just like me … show me the proof. It was Paula who first uttered the phrase Evidentiary Medium in my direction and now I fully comprehend to what she was referring.
Namaste 🤟 Lowell