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Starbucks Mystery School 250218 David Wallace on science and metaphysics, time light gravity sound
Starbuck’s Mystery School
Starbucks Mystery School 250218 David Wallace on science and metaphysics, time light gravity sound

Starbuck’s Mystery School 250218 David Wallace on science, seismic swarms, other civilizations, time light gravity and sound

#StarbucksMysterySchool #ShiftWatch #LowellJohnson #DavidWallace, #multidimensionality #consciousness

Late last week, Dave Wallace sent a YouTube link to me of an interview with a scientist and inventor of some mathematical renown: Frederick Faggin. The interview was going on about this metaphysical epiphany he received regarding how consciousness creates mathematics – not the other way around. It caused me to go back to find those wisdom nuggets Dave had shared with us in 2023 over a few months – that would set the stage for science and metaphysics coming together.

Look for Starbucks Mystery School podcasts on Apple, Amazon and Spotify

Namaste 🤟 Lowell