Ready to see things from a higher perspective?

Starbucks Mystery School - 240520
Starbuck’s Mystery School
Starbuck’s Mystery School 240520 - Lemurian energy awareness expanding and Mount Shasta calling

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #LowellJohnson #ElHerington

El from Hawaii is the latest Lemurian to show and I’ve included a clip of our session heavily influenced by Lemurian energies

El Herington

During her 16 years in Hawaii she refined her modality to assist others to recover and regroup your fractals into 100% soul retrieval.

More on QSR – Quantum Soul Retrieval

Here in support of Lightworkers – especially those who resonate Lemurian

Lemurians are tagging up and reopening their personal Akash thereby expanding collective Lemurian records with its Akashic wisdom, history and culture.


Lemurian accounting

Reactivated Lemurian akashic access

V. 240520

Namaste 🤟 Lowell