Sharula Dux – Lemurian Princess from Telos
She’s a Lemurian princess who lived on the surface at least between the early 90’s to about 2005-2007 when she again, dropped off the radar. What she left behind through a collaboration with Dianne Robbins found its way to me. … and with Dianne’s blessing I’ve produced this 1:58:15 documentary … “Sharula Dux – Lemurian Princess on Atlantis, Lemuria, Inner Earth and Telos”.
From my research on Sharula I’ve found:
For those of you just catching up to the existence of Inner Earth, Lemurians, Telos and the like … here is the last known audio recording of a Lemurian originally from Telos living among the surface. In all my research, Sharula seemed to be the last person claiming to be such who came into the public awareness from early 90’s until she dropped off the radar again somewhere between 2005-2007. Knowing what I now know I am certain she returned to Telos to wait out the final unfolding of the shift from a higher vibrational environment.
She was the last person I had heard of that had contact with the surface …
… until through a series of circumstances with Dianne Robbins, I received some text messages from Maria, Adama’s daughter who had physically visited a few days before and was given my contact information. Part of that exchange revealed … “my telosian name was antaj’lilnair” 🫨. I will be meeting up with Maria when I return to Mount Shasta soon.
Stay tuned … had I mentioned before that the Lemurians said they intended to make greater contact with those on the surface capable of holding a high enough vibration to as to experience everything in that realm – including them.
So now you maybe you can understand my obsession to know everything I can about Sharula in preparation before moving on to the next physical connection to Lemurians on the surface coming my way.
June 22, 2023 (Summer Solstice) 😎
Documentary: #Lemurian, #Telos, #Atlantis, #Lemuria, #history, #SharulaDux, #DianneRobbins, #MountShasta, #lowelljohnson
Sharula Dux – Lemurian Princess on Atlantis, Lemuria, Inner Earth and Telos
Length: 1:58:15
Remastered 1993 presentation enhanced with Inner Earth inspired graphics.
Made more interesting given the appearance of her sister Maria with Dianne Robbins
Princess Sharula Aurora Dux was born in the underground city of Telos in 1725 and came to the City of Mount Shasta, California sometime in the late 1980s as an Ambassador from Telos and lived there with her husband Shield. She told about the Subterranean Cities 1-5 miles beneath the Earth’s surface (called the Agartha Network) and told about life in Telos.
Dianne Robbins is an InterSpecies and InnerDimensional Telepathic Communi-cator, bringing through messages from the people in the City of Telos (located inside the Mountain of Mount Shasta) and Nature Kingdoms. Her books contain telepathic messages dictated to her from the Hollow Earth, Whales and Dolphins, Trees, Crystals, and the Elemental Kingdom. Dianne is a full-time student of the Ascended Master Teachings.