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Starbucks Mystery School - 240528 - Lily Nova
Starbuck’s Mystery School
Lily Nova - Lily asked for an activation, she has the qualities to receive it. Inner Earth calling.

#StarbucksMysterySchool #MultidimensionalContact #LowellJohnson
#Atlantis #Lemuria

Lily Nova and one other metaphysically aware soul came forward this week after viewing something I had posted . Both had reached out as thought they had been teased by some energies and wanted more. In the scheme of well-adjusted, spiritually adept people – I held both Lily and Rev Carol in high esteem … their qualities both spoke authenticity and in my little world – they didn’t need anything from me – probably quite the contrary.

So when they both did within days of each other, I recognized they were definitely appearing to receive something I’m carrying that I’ve wondered about since Sept 2022. Clearly it’s time for that to blossom. Their reaching out was a metaphysically sobering moment – knowing that I was carrying codes meant for others as well – even those as advanced on their journeys as Lily and Carol. 👀 😎

Inner Earth contact validation with Lily.

V. 240530

Namaste 🤟 Lowell